The purpose of the exhibit category is to make it easier to filter the order in which exhibit slides are displayed on the website view page. The add button must be clicked to bring up controls for the Name, Value, and Order fields of the Exhibit Category when adding these categories. The controls are blank or defaulted on the Add screen. The controls on the Edit screen are already filled with the current values for that exhibit category.

The Exhibit Category page

Add Exhibit Category page

Enhanced Exhibits

Digital exhibitions with several stories can be made using the Extended Exhibits module. It performs similar tasks to the Exhibitions module but has more sophisticated display possibilities.

Odyssey Enhanced Exhibits module.

Simply click the "Add New" button in the top left corner to create a new upgraded exhibit. You are then directed to the new display template.

New enhanced exhibit template.

Come up with a succinct title for your improved exhibit. A complete title and a site description are also options. Keep in mind that this name and description will be seen by visitors to your website. Once the exhibit has been built, you can alter these fields before publishing your exhibit by selecting the edit icon.

By selecting the "Upload Main Logo" button, you can upload a home logo, such as the one for your organization. You can drag, paste, or browse for an image from a folder on your computer in Odyssey's upload box. 

The website's specifics should then be stated. Odyssey automatically fills in the initial portion of the URL slug. Add the brief title of your show in lowercase, with hyphens placed between words, after the slash. You can add any embedded code and choose whether the website is active or not.

New enhanced exhibit template detail view.

Also, you can choose the typography for the upgraded exhibit.

Typography selections for new enhanced exhibit template

Click the "Save" button in the top right corner after choosing the parameters for your upgraded exhibit.

Click "+[Add an Exhibit]" to add your first exhibit. The edit exhibit page that Odyssey brings you to functions similarly to the ordinary Exhibitions module described above, with the addition of three more options. The order field, for starters, allows you to select where this exhibit belongs within the entire digital site. The option to add a logo is the second. You may also decide whether or not this display will utilize personalized typography.