The project's functionality is to let a minimum number of people alter a variety of Mata data fields in mass. Current projects from all accounts are displayed on the project page.

Project Screen

Creating a project involves the use of people photos that must be labeled with a reference to an Odyssey person list.

Hence, as an administrator, you are expected to specify what template and field users are expected to work on and create a limited user account for them rather than giving them full access to Odyssey.

Creating a Project

The project worker that the administrator created was given permission to modify the mate data field.

Until a full Odyssey user with access to the account reviews and accepts the suggested modifications, they are only proposed.

A project worker interface

You can look for composite details in the template that was made for the project on the project view page. Also, as a project worker, you can only update already-existing items.

Project view page

The drop box on the right side of the screen helps project workers find reference fields such subject fields and others, and the second tab, "Add New Reference:," will assist them in adding new fields if necessary.