Odyssey provides multiple website templates so users can showcase their digital museums. Standard website, composite website, and DAM website (Digital Asset Management) are the three types of website templates that are provided. These are the most popular way to present the items in your collection and any display your design in Odyssey using website themes. The exhibition of your collection of composite images is an option provided by website layouts for composites, chapters of Greek organizations should largely use this option. The Digital Asset Manager template is only available to accounts who have paid for access to that functionality.

Odyssey websites list view

Four website templates provided

There are three action buttons on the listed website tables that are quite helpful for surfing the website index.

The view icon, Edit icon, Delete Icon

When you click the see icon, you are sent to the public website, be sure to Keep the public website open while editing that particular website to confirm your changes have been implemented.

On initial setup, the website looks plain as shown in the image below

After finishing the setup and editing, you should have something similar to the display below.

This is the result of completing the setup for a DAM Website.