The photos in the PastPort area are paginated and available for import. The amount of photographs that are actually awaiting processing is indicated by the summary counts above the thumbnail grid. The Auto-Transcribe button is grayed out in accounts that are neither Advanced nor Pro, and a help button instead appears, which launches an explanation overlay. The help button is hidden while the control is active on an Advanced or Pro account.

The selections are kept, and the total numbers are accurate. All controls, including Auto-Transcribe and select all in account, are exactly as they were when the save button was clicked.

The thumbnail can be toggled between the selected and unselected states by clicking. The summary counts are updated to include items on other pages as well as the number of selected items.

The summary counts show no selections since all of the selections have been cleared.

Select Assets

All items on the page are selected when the "select all in account" control is clicked. When you navigate to another page, everything there is also selected. For every outstanding asset, the summary counts are accurate. Re-clicking the button will eliminate ALL of the chosen items.

Every item on the page is *added* to the list of options that is already available. In other words, if there were 50 choices earlier and there are now 16 items on the page, there are 66 choices. Re-clicking the control just removes those items from the page's selection; the others are still there.

Odyssey Pastport Screen ( Select Assets)

Select Location

Your previous choices made during the procedure are accurately reflected in the selection summary. A choice of location controls is provided. Your prior choice is accurately reflected in the select location control. Returning to this screen after switching the control displays the new choice. The collection's objects and containers are displayed to the right of the collection. An auto-complete box displays if there are more than 10 items that would be rendered.

Select Location Section

Select Template

Select template control is displayed and only contains Item Type templates. By clicking the control, the selection summary accurately reflects your prior selections made during the process. By changing the control and coming back to this screen, the new selection is reflected.

The Create Metadata screen appears once you click it.

Select Template Section

Create Metadata

Your earlier choices made during the creation of the metadata are accurately reflected in the selection summary. There are two boxes to switch between various items and a single item, as well as metadata inputs. The chosen template is reflected in the metadata fields.

The UI hides the placement control and displays the title incrementor control when you choose "Keep assets personalized." The interface reveals the placement control and conceals the title incrementor control when you select "Make all assets one item."

The metadata columns are displayed if you select "As assets of one new item..." The metadata fields are hidden if you select "As assets of..." When you switch between the fields, the values therein are not removed.

Create Metadata Section

When you click "Next: Start Processing" without entering a title, a prompt asking you to do so displays. 

After you enter a title and click "Next: Start processing," a window asking you to validate the accuracy of all the information displays. The overlay is silently removed by clicking Back. The monitoring screen is displayed when you click Start Import.

Transform Asset

The PastPort transformation processing status is displayed in a status bar by the transform asset. The completion progress bar increases. As the progress bar reaches the end, you are directed to a screen with an option to return and choose fresh assets.

Transform Asset Section

To choose brand-new assets, click the button. You return to the screen where you can select assets. Nothing is chosen, and all prior selections made during all steps have been undone after the transform asset is complete.