On a standard website, you can choose the components and layouts for the header and bottom of your website. The header and footer contain a few tabs. Despite being divided into tabs, the controls behave as described below.

Homepage settings for a standard website.

When the logo is uploaded, it appears in the left side of the top navigation bar on the public view; however, after this has been uploaded and saved without accessing another setting, the navigation bar turns black due to the default state on the "Fonts and Colors" tab, which can be changed. 

Public View after saving the header logo

The background color and header navigation fonts are displayed on the fonts and colors tab; any changes made in this part affect only the header and not the body of the website. To change the default color from black, click on the color box, which will open a color palette where you may alter the colors from black to the desired header color.

Public View after changing header color

On the additional navigation item tab, When a text appears on the text link field and is saved, no imagery is supplied; if an image is supplied, the text is the alt text for the image.  If a link is provided, clicking the image or text activates the link.

This action is only visible on the right side of the header.

The "Nav Order" tab displays all available sections, including all timeframes (i.e., sections that have been active for this site).The nav order control has been replaced by a reorderable tree.  "Folders" for nav components are only possible at the root level.  While folders can be moved to other directories, navigation elements cannot.  Other nav components cannot be renamed in this UI, but folders can. "Folders" are displayed as drop-down menus.  Drop-down menus cannot be selected on their own.  In the standard site's mobile mode, the folders are not displayed, and the items within them are presented as root navigation items.