The Header/Footer controls on this tab display with pre-filled settings. This is the active screen, as shown by the control on the left. column theft-hand and are clickable.

The le presents r controls sets. On every page, the top navigation bar has the header logo on the left.

In the absence of a header logo, the text appears in its stead.

If a header logo is included, the alt text for the image is the header logo text. (By right-clicking and selecting  "Inspect Element" a user can verify this. Look for alt="[My header logo text]" in the image> tag.

The new visual options are adopted by the header navigation.

If no picture is provided, the text is displayed; if an image is provided, the text serves as the image's alternative text. If a link is provided, it can be opened by clicking the image or text.

If a link is provided, it can be opened by clicking the footer logo. Questions entered on the Contact page are sent to the contact email address.