After the login process' authentication, the Dashboard is displayed.The Dashboard interface shown below has all the tools you need to get started.
Odyessy Dashboard Interface
The Navigation Bar
The Odyssey navigation bar is located on the left side of your display. The navigation bar can be extended and collapsed by clicking on the hamburger icon in the upper left, to the right of the navigation breadcrumbs.
When stretched all navigation item titles are who and when collapsed, only navigation icons are shown.
Navigation Bar Extended View
Navigation Bar Collapse View showing just icons
The Search Bar
You can search your Odyssey account using the search bar. Place text into the search box and click "search" or press "Enter" key on your keyboard. The search box is a global search and will search all items within your account.
The Import Button
The Import button displays a pop-up interface where you may select list, media or metadata as the type of import you want to perform.
The Notification Icon
When the notification icon is clicked, a drop-down menu containing the system notifications appears. Each notification includes the date, content and action link (when applicable).
The Account
The system shows a drop-down with two account options when you click the Account Menu; Your Account and Log Out. If your account has the "My Collections" feature enabled, you will see a third menu item called "My Collections". You are taken to your personal account interface by clicking on your account, by clicking log out you have exited the system.
My Collections
When you click My Collections, you are led to an interface where you are supposed to create a new container where a collection item can be placed. At the top left the control buttons are visible "Create container, Move Item and Remove item".
When you click the Create Container button, you are provided with a popup modal asking you to name the new container.
To add an item to a container, you are expected to navigate to the collection index where you would find the "Add to my collection" icon
When you click the add to my collection icon, you will be faced with a popup modal asking you to select one or more personal collections, which allows you to add that specific item to more than one container that has been created on the "My Collections" page.
When you add these items to a specific container on the my collection page, you may view them by clicking on the container. A item must be selected with a blue tick before it can be moved or removed.
Recent Collections
Collections that have just been added or edited are listed under Recent Collections. To access the complete Collections Index, click View All. To view a specific collection, click the view icon.