For a specific collection, click the view icon. Select "Catalog" from the menu on the left to view the collection's catalog record. The asset viewer, upcoming controls, metadata, and embedded items are displayed in that order, starting at the top of the interface with any access restrictions on the item.
Collection View Page
Select "Containers" or "Objects" as necessary to view the containers or items contained inside a collection. Keep in mind that the containers themselves could contain other containers (e.g., a box can contain folders).
Top action buttons on the collection view page
Add Container and Item
When the add new button is clicked, you have the option of adding a container or an item. You are directed to the relevant add screen by clicking either button.
Add Container
After opting for the add container button, Odyssey leads you to a page where you can select the type of container template you want to use in constructing the new container from a drop-down input box. In addition, the name of the Parent Item (collection) is displayed.
Odyssey provides a blank container template for you to fill out after you choose the container you want to construct. When you're done editing the fields, don't forget to click the "Save" button.
Note: When choosing a container template, make sure it has the "see also" field and a list-type field (e.g., Subjects, People).
The See Also
Add Item
A collection's components might reside anywhere, either inside the collection itself or one of the containers you've made. Return to the page that displays the contents of the collection or container you want to add a single item to. In the top left corner, click the "Add New" button. You will be given the option to add an item or a container in a pop-up window. Choosing "Add Item." (For information on adding numerous items to your account, check the Imports section below.). After that, Odyssey takes you to a page where you can choose from a drop-down menu what kind of item type you want to make. Additionally, the name of the Parent Item (collection) is shown.
When you select "Save and Add Digital Assets," a screen will display that allows you to upload files by dragging them into the box on the left. You can also search for files on your personal computer. Following submission, your digital assets for each individual item will be displayed on the right.
On the asset tab, you will see a list with four icons.
Edit, Delete, Reprocess Asset, Find Name
Digital Assets adding view
The find name i
Save and Add Embedded Item
Because they can contain other things, some things can act like containers. A diary or a book, for instance, could have records for the pages of the corresponding item. A scrapbook page is a similar object that may contain records for photographic photos or other detritus.
On the add Item click on the 'Save and Add Embedded Items"
Embedded Items page