Select this option if you have digitized your collection, but you want to start by uploading metadata. When you select Start with Metadata, Odyssey prompts you to name your import.

Pop-up window to create an import name.

Next, choose the categories of the items you are importing. Use the Control (PC) or Command (Mac) key to choose more than one item type.

Select media types for an import screen.

After choosing the required item/container types, click on Next: Select Location. Use the "Basic" tab if the container in question has already been created in the collection and all of the imported objects are members of the same collection and container. From the drop-down menus, pick the collection and appropriate containers. Any previously created collections and associated containers are available as alternatives. 

Basic option for defining ancestry structure.

Use the "Advanced" tab if the imported items are spread across numerous collections and/or containers. You can choose the collection or container type—such as Collection, Box, or Folder—as the final locations for your items. You will enter the precise names of these collections and containers on the resultant metadata sheet. If you enter a collection or container into the ancestry columns and they do not exist in Odyssey, they will be created on ingest.

The generated metadata spreadsheet will have columns representing this collection structure.

Advanced option for defining ancestry structure.

Click the Save button once you have specified your ancestry structure using the "Basic" or "Advanced" option. After that, Odyssey creates import spreadsheets for each of the import item kinds.

Import sheets for metadata import.

An additional tab with a Microsoft Onedrive Sheet emerges when you click the pencil icon. The top row lists the metadata columns for that item type.

Microsoft Onedrive Sheet for metadata import.

In order to upload files, go back to the Ingest Files page and select the upload icon once you have done adding information to your Google sheet. The import's progress will be shown. Upload every item type separately. The Finish with this Media Type option should be clicked once all the assets have been uploaded. Apply the same process to upload any additional item types that were imported along with their accompanying assets.