Bulk updates can be used to transfer things from one container to another or to alter numerous records at once. Bulk updates let you alter numerous records at once rather than one record at a time if you have one or more changes that have an impact on multiple containers or items. However, you cannot add or remove records when doing a bulk update. Go to the collection viewer. "Bulk Update" button should be selected.
Bulk Update Button
Collection Viewer Interface
A pop-up menu will appear after you click on the bulk update button. By selecting and unchecking the boxes for the item types in your collection or container, you can restrict the container or item kinds that can be bulk updated. After choosing your options, click "Start Bulk Update." Because each item/container type has different metadata fields associated with it, Odyssey will generate a bulk update sheet for each item/container type.
Create a bulk update pop-up window.
After that, Odyssey exports the relevant metadata. This could take some time to generate, depending on how many containers or items are included in your update, but you will eventually be taken to the Imports page. The options to edit, rename, remove, or upload will be available for the container and item types you have selected to update.
Bulk update screen for containers and item types.
A Google Sheet will appear in a new tab when you click the edit (pencil) icon. The existing metadata and, if you are migrating records, columns for the new ancestry, will be added to the sheet.
Exported Google Sheet for bulk updating metadata.