On the Accession main page, click the Deaccession button in Odyssey to view and update deaccession records. You are then presented with a list of all your deaccession records. The table displays records of deaccession. One item is connected to each deaccession record.
Deaccession Record Screen
The view, edit, and delete icons are the three icons that Deaccession has on its table.
Clicking the "View" icon will open the linked item's detail viewing screen. There is a "Deaccession" tab displayed alongside the other ones.
View Page
- Clicking the "Edit" icon will direct you to the deaccession edit screen.
Edit Page
Click the Add Deaccession button in the top left corner to add a new deaccession record. An overlay appears in which you are prompted to select an item for which to create a deaccession record. Enter the item's name in the select item overlay. Items from the list that begin with the text you entered are filtered out. Items that already have a deaccession record are NOT included in the list.
Deaccession Select item Overlay.
Add New Deaccession Page.
Import / Deaccession
To start a new deaccession import or bulk update current deaccession records, click on the Import/Update Deaccessions. Odyssey will prompt you to name your import/update. Next you will create your custom query to find the records you'd like to deaccession. The control is activated via the "Edit Query" link and operates in the same way it would, for example, in the Websites section of this testing guide.
After creating a query, you will be directed to a screen stating that the bulk update is starting when you click "Next." Typically, this screen should finish in under 30 seconds. You are then brought to the Ingest Files screen of the import procedure once it is finished. (See earlier.) The process of exporting rows into the bulk update sheets is shown by the status indicators.
Verify that the name you put in the overlay appears in the bulk update once the initial stage is finished. It should have a generic name if no name was provided.
In general, this screen should function similarly to the Ingest Files screen during the main items import process. The important thing to check here is that the created update files contain all of the entries that match the query you chose above.
Items with deaccession records should have this data pre-filled in the import sheet and a numeric ID in the leftmost column. Items that do not already have deaccession records should have primarily blank rows with "NEW" in the leftmost column.