When viewing an item, the page loads any access restrictions on the item at the top of the screen, followed by the asset viewer, next/previous controls, metadata, and embedded items. The restrictions remain at the top of the page, but all accession and deaccession data for the item (if any) is displayed in tabs labeled "Accession" and "Deaccession."
At the top of the page the following tabs are rendered: Metadata, Images, Videos, Documents, Downloads, Embedded Items
View Controls
Use the resizing and rotating controls in the viewer to adjust the image to suit your input.
In the viewer, click View Items. The asset ribbon appears, allowing you to switch to another asset of the item.
Hide Items by clicking the button. The asset ribbon is concealed.
By adding one or more Microsoft Office assets AND one or more PDFs to an item. A new tab labeled "Documents" appears.
Document Tab
When you click the "Documents" tab, an Office document reader appears, displaying the first document as well as tabs on the left to switch between documents. Both Office and PDF documents are rendered correctly.
Video Tab
When you add one or more audio and video assets to an item, a new tab called "Video" appears. When you click on the "Video" tab. The audio and video assets are shown in a viewer, with tabs on the left to move between media objects.
Metadata Tab
Any metadata fields marked as Primary in their respective item type templates will load below the digital asset viewer. To view all metadata associated with the record, click on the metadata tab.
Embedded Items