Publication Viewer
Modified on: Thu, 25 May, 2023 at 1:24 PM
Multi-page publications are displayed in the Publication Viewer. A publication consists of a root item that houses the publication's pages. Pages themselves may be assets or child items, and child items may also have descendant items. One should verify both assets and child items because the publication reader can utilize both as its pages.
Set Up a Publication Item Type
You must first build a custom item type and give it a few extra features before you can set up a publication. Create a new item type from scratch or copy an existing one. In the Item Type editing screen, select "Publication Viewer (BETA)" for "Form Factor."
When you create or edit a new publication item type, additional controls show at the bottom: "Page number of table of contents" and "Detail Metadata." These fields do not appear for any Item of a non-publication item category. You do not need to populate the "Page number of table of contents" at the template level. This will be done for each item associated with the Publication Template.
By saving a publication item type item, the values for the publication fields remain constant.
Using the Publication Viewer in Assets-as-Children Mode
Navigate to and view the item detail page in Odyssey. A "Publication View" tab appears. Select Publication View. You're taken to the publication viewer screen. The viewer displays the publication's first page. The left panel collapses after five seconds.
By using the show/hide button on the left side. The left panel stretches and contracts. Drag inside the picture. The picture lags. In the upper right corner, click the information button. A panel with information on keyboard shortcuts emerges. Re-clicking the icon makes it disappear.
Use the Page Navigator button, On the left, a panel with all thumbnails appears. You can access a page by clicking on its thumbnail.
Important: If page pre-caching for an asset is not yet complete, generic icons will be used in place of the asset's thumbnails. This is to stop your browser from sending Odyssey hundreds or thousands of page image requests at once in the event that you swiftly scroll down through the page navigation.
Choosing the Toggle Reader button, the reader panel appears and displays the page's transcript. The whole transcript is displayed for multi-page PDF files.
Selecting Search will reveal a search panel. Click the magnifying glass icon and type your search term. The search panel displays transcript results that correspond to your search terms. Click on the search result will load the page where the keyword(s) appear.
Select Download, choose All and click Download. When the download screen appears, a consolidated PDF with all of the publication's pages is downloaded. The title of the magazine and the Odyssey logo are displayed on the cover page.
Select Current and then click Download. A PDF with only the current page of the publication and a cover page is downloaded.
Select custom, enter your range of pages and click Download. A PDF with only the pages you've chosen is downloaded, along with a cover page.
Table of Contents
If the page of the Table of Contents has been added to the publication's metadata, the user can click on Table of Contents to access it.
Click on Metadata. The metadata window appears, displaying the metadata for the currently selected page. (In an assets-as-children publication structure, this is the metadata for the entire publication; in an item-as-children publication, this is the metadata for the current page because each page is an item with its own corresponding metadata.)
Click the Edit Hotspots button. In hotspot editing mode, the Publication Viewer reloads. (For further information on testing, see the section below.)
By clicking the Leave editing mode button, the publication viewer will reload the into viewing mode.
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