Individual List Entry

You can search for the name of the list item by typing into the “Search Here” box. Click on the pencil icon of your desired list item. This takes you to the record of that item.

Edit view for an individual list entry

After you have made the desired changes to the record, click the “Update List Item” button. 

Bulk Updating List Entries 

***Not available at the Single account level*** 

To edit multiple entries on an individual list, click on the list you would like to update. This will load the Entries tab. Clicking on the edit icon will load the List Properties tab. Next, click on the Entries tab. There are three tabs available: Entries, Add Entries, and Import Entries. Click on Import Entries. 

You will then see two options: Import New List Entries and Update Existing Entries. We recommend that you not try to export more than 50,000 list items at a time; more than that could overload the export process and cause it to stall. To limit the number of list entries in a bulk update, enter the first row and data quantity from the overall data set that you would like to include. 

Select Update Existing Entries to initiate a “Start Bulk Update” process. Depending on the size of your list, this may take a while to generate, but you will ultimately be redirected to the “Import List Entries” page. The list you have chosen to update will appear with its rows exported and the options to edit, delete, or upload.

Bulk update screen for lists

Click the pencil icon to open the Google sheet populated with that specific list’s metadata. 

Google Sheet for bulk updating entries on a list

Make any desired changes to your list entries. Do not, however, delete or add any rows of data to this spreadsheet. Before you proceed, make sure that all columns on the Google sheet are unhidden. The bulk update process will not work if you have closed or hidden any columns on the sheet. 

At this point, the bulk update process works in a similar way to list imports. Once your list items have been entered into the Google sheet, return to the Odyssey import page and click the upload button (far right). A dialog box will pop up asking if you are ready to import your metadata. Click “Import the metadata in this file.” When you have finished uploading metadata for your list, a thumbs up icon will appear, indicating that your metadata import was successful. Once you see this, click on the “Continue to the next stage” button in the top right corner. You will then have the opportunity to correct errors, if any, and the option to upload any digital assets that are associated with list items.

When the import is complete, you will be redirected back to the list contents view.