From the List view, click the “Add New” button in the top left corner. This takes you to a page from which you can create a record for a new list.

Add list screen

Create a name for your list. You can, but are not required to, add a description. Select your visibility option.

  • Open allows an item or asset to be available for public searching and viewing. It does not require a signed API request.
  • Protected means the item or asset can only be viewed within Odyssey or through a signed API request.
  • Restricted means the item or asset can only be accessed within Odyssey itself. It will not appear on the public website or through a signed API request.

Select whether or not you would like your list to Allow Duplicates.

You have the option to select the type of list from a drop-down menu: Standard or Person. Standard lists come with three fields: Title, Description, and LOC Reference. Person lists include the following fields: Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix, LOC Reference, Biography, Formatted Name, Birth Date, and Death Date.

You also have the option to add custom fields to either type of list by typing into the “Add Name” box, selecting a category, and clicking the plus sign icon. List Sources will only appear if you select a Category that will pull from a list source to fill field information.

Fields can be reordered by clicking and dragging the arrow icons to the left of the field names. Once you have set up your list, click the “Save” button in the upper right corner. Odyssey will create the list, and then you will have the ability to make edits or add/import entries to it, as outlined in previous sections.