When creating access groups and granting access to public users, the digital asset manager setting is used.

Access Groups
When exploring an access group page, you are presented with a list table that renders an access group control that defines which public users (i.e., users of a DAM website) may access given collections. Public users may not access a collection (or the objects in the collection) through a DAM website unless they are members of an access group linked with the collection.

When Creating an Access Group" You will be sent to the Add Access Group screen, where you will enter data and then save. Confirm that mandatory fields are enforced to be certain of what you're doing. You are returned to the index screen after saving.

When you return to the index screen, click the edit button to open a screen with two tabs: "Base" and "Collection." . You can alter the name and description of the base tab and resave it, just like you did on the create page, as long as mandatory fields are enforced.

All collections (that is, items of a type that is a "collection" type) are given as alternatives or selections on the collection tab. The controls can be moved all at once by clicking add all, or you can pick each collection you require by holding down the shift key and clicking on each collection.

Public User
Public Users are OAuth users who are only allowed to access an account's Digital asset manager public sites. The public user may only be established by an admin or owner user, and when you view the public user page, you are shown all Public Users in the current account.

When inviting a public user, you must include a little pieces of information, such as the user's email address, the public site to which they will have access, and the access group to which they will be assigned. When an existing user in the system is invited, Odyssey displays a red error notice stating that the user already exists. You are expected to invite a new user, and Odyssey sends an email to the email address specified with a link to create an account. The overlay displays a green status message indicating that the email has been sent. When you click on the link supplied to that email address, you are directed to the public site invitation acceptance page.