Odyssey uses Google Sheets for importing and exporting data. You will need a Google account to use Odyssey. The first time you perform a task that involves a Google Sheet, Odyssey will ask you to authorize access to your Google account. Once you complete the authorization, you will not have to do it again in Odyssey. 

Alternatively, when logged in you can navigate to the My Account section of Odyssey, select the Integrations tab and authenticate with Google.

Each Odyssey user account (i.e., user) associates with exactly one Google account. We strongly recommended that multiple users not share a single account in Odyssey, because you are likely to run into access problems, particularly with the import and update tools. When a user starts an import or export, that user is the owner of the Google Sheets that are created. 

The Google Sheets will appear in the HistoryIT folder in that user’s individual Google Drive. If a HistoryIT folder does not exist already, Odyssey will automatically create it in the root directory of your Google Drive. Odyssey will not create more than one root HistoryIT folder. Other users are able to access and edit import and export sheets generated by another user; however, the owner of those sheets will need to share edit permissions in order for this to work.

Note for account owners: When you are impersonating an Odyssey user, be aware that this does not, by itself, give you access to the Google account that owns the sheets.