As explained on the main composite overall settings, The efficient template that makes up the composite website offers some certain type of fields with which different metadatas can be represented. There will be a few key fields on the first template, which are intended to hold the main item representing the composite template on the structure control. such as the following: title, description, address, and university

After creating the main item template, you'll then create a collection in order for the metadata to be seen on the website. You may create an item using the item template that was created on the template index under that collection. Note that a digital asset should be included in this item collection. You may then go to the structure control to add that main item template create to the Composite template  field.

When all of this has been completed and saved, it should appear as shown below, showing the asset that was added during the creation of the item collection.

On the composite detail part, a user must create a detailed template for the composite site because it may be quite complex in some ways, and that template needs the X Y Coordinate field along side the rest fields that would be added on the template index. Additionally, the templates used should be pertinent to a particular search.

On the collection index, this template would be used to create embedded items under the collection that was once created with the first templated.

You must enter the exact dimensions of the precise cut out picture, which will carry a few features on the main collection image as seen above, in the coordinate input form when creating the embedded item.

This dimensions would be the X,Y Coordinate and the Wight and Hight

After completing all of this, go back to the website index edit screen, where the created composite detail session is where you enter all of this information.

After everything is finished and the updates are saved, the image will appear as follows on the website's main page, highlighting the embedded item with information under it.