Advanced and Pro account tiers also include Custom searches. There are four main icons in the action column: Run Search, Search Field, Edit, and Delete.

Odyssey Searches view.

Run Search, Search Field, Edit, and Delete.

Click the Add Search Form button in the top left corner to start a new search. Now you may define the broad criteria for your customized search on the Customized Search Form page. When you click the Add Search Form button, Odyssey will prompt you to give your search form a name and optional description. The description field can be shown to provide context for users of your public website.

Customized search form screen.

Once you save the search's basic information, you are shown a screen with action tabs at the top: Constraints, Facets, Facet Order, Search Field, Presents, Run Search, Name Constraints


The items that can be returned as results are limited by constraints. For instance, you could decide to limit the results of your search form to only items on the Photographic Image template and those items must descend from a specific collection. Your decisions here will take precedence over the user's input. The search form's results are not type-restricted if no kinds are chosen in any of the four type fields. In other words, the search results will include all different kinds of things and containers.

Constraints Page


You can filter the results of a search by using facets. Choose the facets you'd like to display on the search results page. Each custom search can have its own associated facets. Please use the "Facet Order" tab if you need to change the order in which the facets are shown.

Facets Tab

Search Field

The objective of search fields, which are collections of common attributes, is to accept input. For instance, you might make a "People" search field that looks for the common terms Author, Publisher, and Lyricist. As long as they share common attributes, this enables you to build a single search input that handles metadata from several types of items.

Search Field Page

Add Search Field


Your search fields' default values are presets. If you enter a pre-determined value in a search field, that value will initially be displayed in the search form. Users of the search form won't be able to alter your settings if you want to make them hidden. 

Presents Tab

Run Search/ Search Results

Search results that match the input and are limited by the choices made in the search form definition are displayed in a data table. (Note that the Search Within control uses AND logic for multiple selections; hence, every ancestor named must exist in the ancestry.) A detailed summary of the search input, including any search presets entered into the search form, is produced by the search summary function. A minimum of "Filter Results" is listed first in the filters on the left, along with any facets chosen for the search form.

Run Search Tab

Only the items having the text in their titles or aliases remain in the result set. The result set goes back to being unfiltered if the box is cleared and then re-entered. In addition to any other filters, this one is used.

Search Result Page