List Entries, or the contents view of a specific list, are listed items that can be seen and sorted according to the order, item name, date produced, and date edited. Additionally, there are four action icons: edit, import history, digital assets and delete.
List Entries View
Edit, Import History, Digital Assets and Delete.
When you click on a list item's name, a pop-up menu displaying the object in your collections linked to that list item appears. By clicking the archiving item's title, you can access it.
Digital Assets
Templates and metadata do not exist for digital assets associated with lists. Digital assets associated with list items are for display purposes. When producing a digital asset, you have two options for PDFs:
Pages from a PDF document can be added to a single digital asset.
PDF files can be divided into distinct page components, each with its own metadata.
Import History
Import history is used to access internal library functions, allowing users to access previously imported data. Giving the user's name who created the import from a list, the ingest date, and the import location as a text link that can be routed to a google sheet, and the item template that can be routed to the import index's ingest screen.
When you click the presented line of an import location, you are taken to a Google sheet.
When you click the import item template, you are taken to the import ingest file.
It should be noted that not all imports will be freely accessible because they will require Microsoft authentication (Microsoft OneDrive). To gain access, a user would need to create a Microsoft account and modify the login service on My Odyssey Account page (Spreadsheet and document tab)
To set up an import history beneath an existing list, a user must create an update list item under the import entry tab. You will be working with a Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains all of the existing entries in this list, but you will be unable to add any new ones.
When you click the update list entry, a spreadsheet is generated for a few minutes/seconds and you are then led to the import ingest file for the list item.
When you click the pencil icon, Google Sheets opens in a new window/tab. Because this is an update, it is pre-populated with the existing items and their metadata.